Friday, March 20, 2015

Writer's Corner

Hello! I am Willmor Engging

Writer's Corner

Hello! I am Jeon Sion

Jeon, sion and can be called as Alvin My course is business management 1st year Watching movies Playing piano Im a korean and i can understand some filipino language

Writer's Corner


I Am Kang chang hyup 

English name is Kris
My course is Business management I'm a 1st year student I enjoy Wakeboarding I like Singing

Writer's Corner

Hello! I am Leslie Lancara,
I am a second year BS Biology students in Ateneo de Davao.
My hobbies are reading, shopping, sleeping, camping
I used to play the violin years ago
I like to go on adventures, traveling, exploring new places and learning new cultures.

Output Learned Least -4

Will's output that he has learned least

The activity that I learned the least was our quiz on the kinds of paragraph. Why? Beacause I did not listen to the reports of the other groups and I did not learn much. 

Output Least Proud Of -3

Kang's output that he is least proud of 

This one is my least proud of, actually I did not understand it well and then I could not get a high score.

Output Learned Least -3

Kang's output that he has learned least

This one is I learned least because actually i dont know it yet perfectally.

Output Learned Most -3

Kang's output that he has learned most 

This one is my learned most because after the activity, I knew how to support some sentences.

Kang's Reflective Essay

   Actually my english skill is not good. That's the biggest reason I joined ateneo. However, when I participated first semester, I was disappointed about myself. Because I couldn't understand and also I couldn't make a essay about following topic. During English 11 I learned how to make sentence in conversation and some situation, it was very helpful for me. But still I have problem in my writing skills. During english 13 I learned many thing about English.

   First of all, Before joining Eng 13, I didn't have confidence about understanding class. I always asked help to my classmates, because I couldn't understand clearly. Even I knew what they were talking, I doubt about myself, because I didn't have confidence about my english skill. However, in Eng 13 class, teacher helped me that having confidence about myself.

   Second of all, Now I can write essay, before I joined this class, I didn't know about setting of essay, but while I was having this class, I learned about how to make essay, kinds of paragraphs and how to explain my opinion.

   Last of all, I can find grammar errors. Before I joined this class , I couldn't find some error easily. However now I can find grammar errors. for example, I can put conjunction.

   I learned many things during english 13. I learned how to make paragraph, I found confidence and I can find grammar errors. I really thank u for our class.

Willmor's Reflective Essay

3 things I learned in English 13

   For me it was like a journey, studying English. There are 3 important things I learned were how to make an effective essay, what are the steps in making an effective essay, and how to organize my ideas to build an effective essay.

   First, in order to make an effective essay, we should follow steps and procedures. such procedures wants us to do prewriting which includes steps like brainstorming and listing. If successfully followed an effective essay can be made.

   Second, the steps in making an effective essay should be followed accordingly. Such steps include prewriting, which comprises free writing, questioning, listing and clustering, and preparing the scratch outline. Writing the first draft, revising, and editing. These steps, when followed can help in making an effective essay.

   Third, is to organize the ideas to build the appropriate structure of an essay. Such ideas should be categorized into 3 accordingly. The introductory should comprise the catchy sentence and the thesis statement, The body should comprise the elaboration of the thesis statement, and the conclusion should comprise the summarization of the whole essay and a restatement of the thesis.

   Therefore, English 13 upgraded my mind and taught me on how to make an effective essay, the steps needed and the ways to organize my ideas.

Jeon's Reflective Essay

3 things I learned and experience in ENG 13

      It was like journey to me studying English for half of the year. While studying in Eng 13
I've learned a lot of things and made a good memories. Among the things I've learned, there are 3 things that I found most interesting.

   First of all, writing an effective paragraphs was interesting. Before, I didn't really care about the structures of the paragraphs and wasn't able to organize my thoughts well, but after constant practices I am now able to write well organized thoughts with clear ideas.

   Moreover. I learned kinds of paragraphs which I found important. There are different kinds of paragraph in essay which we should consider when writing an essay. I learned that I need to choose carefully the types of essay which is related to my topic. It gave me a knowledge in writing a good essay.

    Lastly, English 13 gave me a confidence to write a good essay and to speak English. I used to be so shy to express my thoughts in English because I might have mistakes and wasn't confident enough for my English skills. However, now that I already know how to organize my thought well and I am now able to explain what is in my mind through English, because I'm certain of my thought and can write down and speak out of it.

   These are the 3 things I want to keep it in my mind as a good memory and learning. If I could have another chance to have class with my classmates and teacher, I will be happy to enjoy my life in Eng 13.

Output Most Proud Of -2

Jeon's output that he is most proud of

This is my work that I am most proud of which is my midterm exam. I did quite well and did a good job in answering the questions. Overall, I got a decent grade on my midterm exam which showed that I understood the topics that were taught to me and its importance.

Leslie's Reflective Essay

Before the start of the semester, I did not know what to expect in English 13. From What I heard of from other students, it is a very tiring class full of writing activities and assignments. On the first day, the teacher gave the whole class an overview of what the subject is going to be like. Surprisingly, what the students said were true and it was going to be a semester full of writing paragraphs and essay. Despite the endless writing activities there were some significant things that I learned from the class, which were the different techniques of prewriting, the contents of a paragraph, and the structure of an essay.

First, there are different techniques of prewriting. These are the list making, questioning, clustering and freewriting. They help gather one’s thoughts before writing a paragraph. Freewriting is writing sentences or phrases of anything that comes into mind about a topic. For example, if the topic of the paragraph was about why movie theaters are annoying, one can write about long lines, expensive tickets and uncomfortable seats. Grammar, punctuation, or spelling should be disregarded for the mean time and focus only on the topic and nothing else. Another technique is list making, another way of collecting ideas by listing details about a subject. It can be a phrase, a word, or a sentence. For example, the topic is about the disadvantages of driving, one can write in bullets about traffic jams, spending large amount for gas money, and maintenance of the car.

Second, in a paragraph there should be a topic sentence and three main supporting points each with specific evidences. The topic sentence should have a limited topic and the idea or attitude towards the topic. For example, a topic sentence can be “Katie hates her car.” The limited topic was the car and the attitude towards the car was that Katie hates it. The main supporting details are the main reasons why Katie hates it and under the main reason should have specific evidences. For instance, one main reason is that the car cannot be driven on a rainy day. The specific evidence would be because the windshield wipers does not work and Katie cannot see the road clearly when its raining. That is just one example of what to put in a paragraph.

Lastly, the structure of an essay consists of the introductory paragraph, the body, and the concluding paragraph. The introductory paragraph should catch the reader’s attention and should have the thesis statement and plan of development. The plan of development is the list of the three main supporting points that supports the thesis statement. The thesis statement is the overall point of the essay. The body consists of three paragraphs where as each paragraph has its own topic sentence and specific details. Then, the concluding paragraph should summarize the main points of the essay and/or it should restate the thesis statement and its main supporting points. For example, like this essay that I am writing now.

Overall, my experience in English 13 made me learn about paragraph and essay making. The things that struck me the most was what to do first when writing a paragraph, what are the contents that should be on the paragraph, and how an essay is supposed to be written. This class made my writing skills better than before and it made me realize of the common errors that I usually commit when writing essays in the past. Now, with the knowledge that I have in writing I can assure to my teachers and readers that I am a better writer.

Output Learned Most -4

Will's output that he has learned most

My most learned activity was how to evaluate paragraphs in four bases which were unity, support, coherence, and sentence skills. I learned how to evaluate and at the same time learned each of their significance in paragraph making. That is why I learned more from this activity. 

Output Least Proud Of -4

Will's output that he is least proud of

I am least proud of my essay writing, because I got 8 out of 20. Honestly, I did not perfect my skills in essay writing. There are still a lot of things that I need to learn and more to upgrade.Hopefully, my writing skills will get better as time goes by through practice.

Output Most Proud Of -4

Will's output that he is most proud of 

I am most proud of my work on menu-making, because I got 8 out 15 and I learned how to classify into categories the parts of a menu. It was difficult and that is why I am proud of it because I made one.

Output Learned Least -2

Jeon's Output that he has learned least 

It is about ways of evaluating a paragraph by 4 bases: unity, support, coherence and sentence skill. It is my least because I found this less important when writing a paragraph. They are used to evaluate the paragraph, but no usage in writing a good paragraph.